The substrates must be clean, even, dry and free of dust. Carefully respect the evaporation times of the solvents. When using solvents, extinguish all sources of ignition and carefully follow the safety and handling instructions given by the manufacturer. In case of windshield replacement, it is not necessary to completely remove the old sealant ; simply trim it off, leaving a 1 to 2 mm thickness. There is no compatibility problem applying fresh polyurethane sealant to old polyurethane sealant.Rub down any rusted area. Clean bare areas of the body before applying the primer DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD Never clean the old sealant with a solution containing alcohol.
The windshield has to be treated as follows :
RAW GLASS :DAYSON instructions: Activator Black primer Windshield sealant Clean with Activator according to the WOWO (wipe on/wipe off) method with a clean, dry and lint-free cloth (wipe as soon as the solvent is evaporated, i.e. 30 to 60 seconds after application). As the activator is very sensitive to humidity, the bottle must be closed immediately after use. If it is cloudy, do not use it. For this application, it is possible to use single-use impregnated wipes (kit containing an impregnated wipe and a dry wipe for WOWO). Let dry between 10 to 60 minutes after application according to temperature. In case of excessive drying time, repeat a second time. Then apply a thin and uniform film of primer DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD with an applicator pad (or a 10 ml tube with single-use foam sponge applicator) in order to form a homogeneous film. Homogenize the product before application. Shake until agitator ball is moving. Shake another 30 seconds. Close the bottle immediately after use. Any contact with humidity will make the primer cure. For this reason, the product must be used within 24 hours after opening the bottle. Let dry between 15 and 60 minutes according to temperature before application of the sealant.
WINDSHIELD WITH CERAMIC FRIT :DAYSON instructions : Anti-silicone treatment / Activator / (Black primer / Windshield sealant Bonding may be performed with or without primer.
Cleaning:Tools should be cleaned with DAYSONNET 683, MEK or acetone before the sealant has completely cured. After curing, abrasion is necessary. Bonding without primer DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD must be performed on a windshield with ceramic frit ensuring optimum and uniform opacity to UV and with no silicone residue. Non compliance with these conditions may cause partial or total loss of adhesion of the sealant on the windshield. Degrease with heptane or methylethylketone (MEK), abrade with 3M Scotch-Brite Red (in order to avoid orange peel effect likely to occur in presence of traces of silicone), degrease a second time with heptane or MEK and respect a drying time of 10 minutes. Apply activator according to the method described for raw glass.
Let dry between 10 and 60 minutes before the next step :
- if ceramic frit is sufficiently opaque, application of the sealant ;
- if ceramic frit is not sufficiently opaque, application of primer DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD with an applicator pad (or a 10 ml tube with single-use foam sponge applicator) followed by a waiting time of 15 to 60 minutes before application of the sealant.
ENCAPSULATED WINDSHIELD : degrease if needed with MEK or acetone (do not use alcohol) and respect a 10 minutes drying time, then apply. DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD
WINDSHIELD COATED WITH A PRIMER : degrease with MEK or acetone. After about 10 minutes, apply DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD *
* Follow the same instructions for use than those indicated above for DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD
For other types of substrates, refer to our technical service.
Bonding :The sealant DAYSON FAST WINDSHIELD can be applied with a hand or pneumatic gun.
The triangle-shaped form of the joint is determined by the nozzle.
If applied in cold weather, store the packagings at about 20 °C before use.
The windshield must be applied and pressed before the end of the skinning time.
Do not apply in the presence of cured or non-cured silicones or hybrid sealants (MS, SPUR or STPE).
Do not apply at temperatures lower than 5 °C.
Note : all times described in the above instructions are valuable for a minimum temperature of 15 °C. In case of lower temperatures (between 5 and 15 °C), drying times must be twice longer.
The technical data contained herein is based on our present knowledge and experience and we cannot be held liable for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or editorial failings that result from technological changes or research between the date of issue of this document and the date the product is acquired.
Before using the product, the user should carry out any necessary tests in order to ensure that the product is suitable for the intended application. Moreover, all users should contact the seller or the manufacturer of the product for additional technical information concerning its use if they think that the information in their possession needs to be clarified in any way, whether for normal use or a specific application of our product.
Our guarantee applies within the context of the statutory regulations and provisions in force, current professional standards and in accordance with the stipulations set out in our general sales conditions.
The information detailed in the present technical data sheet is given by way of indication and is not exhaustive. The same applies to any information provided verbally by telephone to any prospective or existing customer.